Monday, February 2, 2015

Share your phone data over WiFi || without using Bluetooth and USB

Hello Tech Readers!!! Today I am going to teach you how to connect your smartphone to the computer without using USB or Bluetooth to share the files.

This trick will work with one simple app installation on your smartphone. Es File Explorer File Manager is the app which gives your phone as PC explore view and provide you many more options.

Step 1: Install Es File Explorer File Manager on your smart phone and open Remote Manager ( Options --> Network --> Remote manager ). and then click on Turn ON .(it may ask you to enable the WiFi tethering on your mobile then click on OK).

Note:  Ensure that WiFi tethering is enabled on your mobile. 

Step 2 : It will generate a FTP  link (FileTransferProtocol ). 


Step 3:  On your PC, turn ON WiFi and connect to your smart phone device ( If it is password protected then enter the password which was set in the WiFi configurations in your mobile).

Step 4: Open your windows explorer and enter the link which is generated on your mobile in the address bar.

Now you will see the list of folders and files which are available on you phone. Now you can transfer any from your PC to phone and vice verse.  

Note: you  can open the same in any Browser. the below image is the reference.

Thank for reading!!!!!!!!!

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