Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to hide Windows drives using Command Prompt.

Hi friends! I know you people are waiting for the tekitricks. Here I am with some interesting posts.By using this simple and useful tricks you guys can have fun with your friends

Now I am going to explain very useful an interesting trick  That is How to hide Windows drives using Command Prompt. It is very easy to hide the drives of windows by following this procedure.

If you want to hide a drive (for instance if you would like to hide Drive D)  in your laptop. then follow the below steps.

Step 1: Open the command prompt (press windows+R and type cmd).

Step 2: Then type DISKPART and press enter,you may get a window like this.

If it is asking for your permission then click 'YES'

Step 3: Now type List Volume and press enter. Then it will show you the drive details in your computer

Step 4: Now hide the drive which you would like to hide by using the following command

For an instance, select volume 2  or Select Volume D (volume number of your drive)

Generally we can use volume number or letter to select the disk

Step 5: Next type remove letter E (the drive which you want to delete).Now your selected drive is hidden .You can check it by going to My computer there you found that the selected drive is hide.

Now if you go to computer drive then Drive D will hidden.

Step 6: Now you unhide the drive by using this command
                       Assign letter E

After typing this you get back your drive in your My Computer folder.

Below screen is the another instance. 

Thanks for Reading!!!
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