Saturday, June 27, 2015

Notepad types by itself || Funny Ghost trick

Hello Everyone!! Have you ever wonder what if our machines act like robot. This will happen really in movies. But if we fallow below you really make it possible in the real world also. Imagine if  computer is typing on the notepad itself. We can really make it happen with below trick. 

You can play with your friends that some ghosts/demons typing on your computer and make your friend afraid.  If  we want some test to be present in the notepad every time we open the notepad then this trick will really helpful.

Step 1: Open notepad and copy and paste the below code

set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("wScript.Shell") "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "T"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "e"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "k"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "i"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "T"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "r"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "i"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "c"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "k"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "s"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 120
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 1000
wshshell.sendkeys ""
wscript.sleep 100

Note : You can change the letters or values in the inverted commas.

Step 2: Now save it with any name and with .VBS as extension.
After saving the file double click on it. Now you will see the magic that you notepad is displaying the letters by typing on its own

Thanks for reading!!!Please share the knowledge that you know!!!!

How to Hide or Unhide your files with single click

Protection is compulsory for every system, and there is a necessity to secure our data in the computer. In order to secure our files, we have to hide the files. Generally hiding the files is by going to properties and and check the hide option there, but we can also hide/unhide the files with a mouse click. If we follow the below explained procedure, it will be very easy to hide all the files or based on the files type.

Advantages of this trick:
  1. We can Hide/Unhide all the files in a directory with a single click
  2. If we follow the traditional hide/unhide approach, it will be very difficult and time will be taken to hide files again, once the files are unhidden. But with this trick we can hide/unhide the large number of files with single click every time.
  3. We can hide/unhide the file based on the type/format( for example we can hide only images or only text files or both)

Step 1: Open Notepad, copy and paste the below code.


attrib +h +s "[Path]*.*"
attrib -h -s Hide.bat
attrib -h -s Unhide.bat


attrib -h -s "[path]*.*"

Step 2: After copying and pasting both Hide and Unhide codes in separate notepads, save them with Hide.bat and Unhide.bat file names (.bat is compulsory)

[path] is the address of the path where we want to hide the files and it is optional.

  1. If you want to hide the files in the place where these batch files (with .bat extension) are saved, then simply use “*.*” then we don’t require to mention the path.
  2. If you don’t want to hide the files in the location where Hide.bat and Unhide.bat files are saved then replace the path with the actual path where you want to hide the files.

Ex 1: attrib +h +s "C:\ABC\*.*" - Hides all the files in ABC folder of C Drive.

Ex 2: attrib +h +s "C:\ABC\*.txt" - Hides all the Text files in ABC folder of C Drive.

Ex 3: attrib +h +s "*.*" - Hides all the files in the folder where this Hide.bat file is saved.

Step 3: Now double click on the Hide.bat file to hide the files.

Now double click on Unhide.bat file, to unhide the files that you hide earlier

Thanks for reading!!! Please share the knowledge that you now

Friday, June 26, 2015

How to Hide the files in Android device without using any App

We generally hide the files to secure some important files or maintain privacy for the personal information. Today technology become handy and we save all the personal and important information in our mobiles. We Knew that there are some software’s/tools to hide the files in our computer. So how to secure the files in our mobile. As same as like computer, there are some Apps are available in the app market to hide the files in our mobile. But installing these Apps in our mobile will occupy the storage space and may occur performance issues. In order to overcome this constraints, I am going to share you one of the unknown feature existed in ES file Explorer to hide the files in our mobile.

ES file explorer is the one of the most using application in everyone's mobile in the app market.

If you don't have ES file explorer in your mobile then Go to App Store and install. There are many other uses with ES File explorer.

Follow below procedure to hide your files

Step 1: Create any folder with any name.  For example Create a folder "HideTest"

Step 2: Now save all your important files in that it. for example, save all the important files in  "HideTest" 

Ste 3: Go to Setting then select Rename. Now add "." (dot) infront of the name and click OK.

In our instance  rename HideTest  with .HideTest

Now if we see in the File Manager, folder will be hidden

To Un hide this file follow the below step

Step 4: Go to Settings --> Display settings and Un mark  the Show hidden files option.

All the folders that are hidden earlier will be appear again.

Since folder is hidden, it appearance color will change. the folder Icon will be faded. If you remove the dot ( . ) then it will appear like normal folder.

Thanks for reading!!!! Please share the knowledge that you now!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Change the USB Flash Drive (Pendrive) Icon/picture using simple trick || INF File

Hello everyone!!! INF files are very tricky and we can do some tweaks with it. It is a plain text used for Microsoft software to install the software's and drivers. In  addition to this we can use this file for changing the view/appearance of your windows computer.

 Some of the useful features with this files are

1. Changing the USB flash drive Icon
2. Changing the Icons of you system drives
3. Changing the labels of  USB flash drive/ system drive's.

To achieve the above features follow the below steps

Step 1:  Copy the below code and past it in notepad


In the above code lines , we can use any value in place of "TekiTricks" . 
"driveimage.ico" is image name that you want to put for USB flash drive and image should be in ICO format

Step 2: save the file with "Tekitricks.INF". Here we can give any name in place of Tekitricks but the file extension should be INF

Step 3: Now download any image with Icon format. (ICO format). Save this image in the same drive where the INF files saved. So both the INF and ICO files should be in the same drive.

Now drive Icon will change with new image. If its not showing any image then try restart the system once.

Similarly we can change the all the drive Icons of our computer using this trick.

To protect these two files follow steps 4 & 5
Step 4:  Right click on the files that you want to HIDE, and go to Properties then check the HIDE option and then click OK.

Step 5: To make file invisible in the drive, Go to folder options, in view tab, check the "Do not show hidden file. Folders or drives". then click OK.

Now the files are hidden and invisible in the drive. And all the drive Icon's are changed with customized Icon's.

Thanks for reading!!!! Please share the knowledge that you know.

Create a Nameless folder in your system

Hello Everyone!! Today I am here with you to share very exciting trick-“Creating a Nameless folder ”. Generally we create the folders with names but have you ever tried to create a folder without a name, if your answer is no then you must try this awesome trick. This trick is very simple and quick.

If you don’t know this trick no problem, as I am going to share this trick with you. You can get a nameless folders by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Create a folder in any drives of your system.( Generally when create new folder system will automatically give a default name like 'New Folder'. Erase the New Folder name)

Step 2: Now PRESS and HOLD Alt key and type 255 or  0160 (Use the Num keys-right side of your keyboard )  .

Step 3: Release Alt key and press enter. Then you get a folder without a name.

Get the address of the nameless folder:

If you want the location/address of the nameless folder. Go inside the nameless folder and place the cursor over the address bar and copy the address. The nameless folder address will also be without a name (its just a space)

Example: I have created one more dummy folder inside the nameless folder and edited the address of the nameless folder.  Now the address will be like as below

                                        C:\Users\XXXX\Downloads\Test\ \abc

Note : We can create at maximum one nameless folder for a address location, To create another nameless folder follow the above same steps in another location

Lets check how it will appear in command prompt. Go to location where the files is saved and view all the directories over there. (use command CD for change directory and DIR to view all the directories in that location). You will see the nameless entry at the end of the list. 

Using this trick we create a INVISIBLE (click here) folder this will explain in the next post.

Thanks for reading!! Share the knowledge that you know.!!!!!

HOW to play or download Youtube videos in VLC medial player

Hi friends!!! Today I am going to share a cool and simple TEKITRICK, How to play and download YouTube videos using VLC media player. Downloading videos through VLC media player is simple, safe and secure. You can download any videos on online using VLC media player. I know there are many software's, websites available to download YouTube videos. But here I am going to explain downloading You Tube videos via VLC media player because it is very simple.

Below are the advantages of using this trick
  1. We can see the youtube videos in VLC media player. So we can apply the VLC player feature/shortcuts on the video (like Mute, pause, forward, etc.,) . Follow the below explained procedure till step 3 to know.
  2. We can see the youtube videos without Advertisements.
  3. If you want to download any video then it is easy to download with VLC. And we don't require any additional software (Like youtube video downloader ) required in our system to download these videos.
  4. Generally this video will download in '.mp4' format. but after downloading the video using VLC we can convert the video into any other format using same VLC software. This already explained in the one of the post Convert format of video without using any software - VLC player trick

The steps to be followed to download YouTube videos using VLC media player:-

Step 1: Copy the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the video you want to download from the browser’s address bar.

Step 2: Now go to VLC media player, click on Media in the menu bar and go to stream (or press ctrl + s) then a window like below is opened then go to Network.
           Media->stream->open network network
                    Note: Please use latest version of VLC media player. Some old versions of VLC media players are getting some network errors. 

Step 3:  Now paste the URL of the video you want to download in the space provided. Then hit the play button (available in the choice box) to play the video.
For just playing your video using VLC media player you just required the above 3 steps.
Further if you want to download the video you have to follow these steps too.

Step 4: For downloading the video pause the video that is playing now and go to Tools in the menu bar and then go to codec information or press ( Ctrl + j ).
             Then a window like below is appeared then go to Codec. Now copy the text in the location field.

Step 5: Now paste the text that you copied in the address bar of you browser (like chrome, Mozilla fire fox etc.,) and press enter. Then you can see that your video is playing.

To save your video right click on the video and select Save video as option to download your video. Now change the name of the video and add ".mp4" to the video name click on save. Now your video is started downloading into your system. If you want to change the format of video then lick on then go to the the link (Convert format of video without using any software - VLC player trick)

Thanks for reading!!  Please share the knowledge that you know!!!

Know your computer gender || Fun trick

Hello Everyone!! It's really funny when our machines talk with us. This will happen only in some fictional stories or some movies. Let's assume, what if our computer machines talk with us. Then we can start conversation with our machines. And we can call our machines by putting some funny name. Before started conversation with them first thing we should do is, we should name our machines and call them with that name. For this we should know their gender. You people might be thinking that how it is possible. Yes, it is possible to know the gender of yours computer by just listening to its voice. By listening to the voice of your computer you can decide whether your computer is male or female.

Earlier I have explained similar kind of post that "Make your computer talk whatever you type" (Click Here) by that also you can test your computer voice. In this post I have added the procedure to change the voice of your computer.   If you  follow the below procedure you will get to know what their Is and how to change their voice from male to female and vice verse. The trick I am going to share today is really a funny trick and the trick is “How to know your computer gender”.

Below is the procedure to be followed to know your computer gender.


Step1: Open your notepad (win + r and type notepad and press enter).

Step2: Now you have to type CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Welcome to TekiTricks"

(Including inverted commas)

Note: Don’t simply copy and paste it because you can’t listen to your computer voice then.

Step3:  Save your file as .VBS file. For example "TekiTricks.VBS" (include inverted commas)

Step4: Now open the .VBS file and know the gender of your computer by simply hearing the voice.

You can also change your computers voice and how it can be done is seen in below steps.

Step5: Go to Control Panel then go to Speech Recognition then Text to Speech then a window like below is opened.

Control Panel--->Speech Recognition--->Text to Speech

Step6: Then you can choose your desired voice in Voice selection.

Thanks for reading!!! Please share the knowledge that you know!!