Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Magic tips for Ms Office/Open Office - Documnetation tips

Tip #1:

Open Microsoft word   Press and hold Alt key and type the following number and see magic.

Note: We have to use Num lock key (Numbers at right side of the keyboard)

° = Alt + 0176
± - Alt + 0177
¹ - Alt + 0185
² - Alt + 0178
³ - Alt + 0179
µ - Alt + 0181
¼ - Alt + 0188
½ - Alt + 0189
¾ - Alt + 0190
:Þ - Alt + 0222

Tip #2:

Now will see one more feature about word document. If you want to copy a paragraph by column wise do like this.
Place the cursor point at required position and press alt key + hold mouse left click and drag to required position.

Thanks for reading

Happy Learning!!!!!!