Friday, April 17, 2015

Browse websites without internet || Using Chrome browser

Hello everyone!!! In Previous posts I  explained how to watch youtube videos in offline mode (i.e without internet) Imagine If we can browse any webpage in offline, that means browse any webpage without internet. Then that would be a very awesome tweak Do you believe  that, Is this possible? Answer is NO. Now imagine If we can browse the webpages in offline which were opened recently, Do you believe that, Is this possible? Answer is YES. You can browse the websites without internet by using chrome browser in your System/Mobile. This trick will work for the websites which are opened recently in chrome browser.

This trick will also useful, when you are browsing for some important websites and suddenly your internet connection is disabled in your system due to some technical issues. Then by using this below chrome feature you can reload recently opened pages and continue your work

Step 1: Open chrome browser then copy paste the chrome://flags// in the address and press enter. A list of options will appear on the screen.

Step 2: Try to search "Enable Offline Load Stale Button" by using Ctrl+F(find)

Step 3: Change the value in the drop down box from Default to Enable.

Step 4: Now browser will ask you relaunch the entire browser then click 'relaunch now'.

Step 5: Now try to open any webpage, for example Now this page is stored in your local system.

Step 6: Disconnect the internet in your and reopen the earlier page that you opened i.e., A normal error page will appear with some "show saved copy". After clicking on this, again the page will open from the local memory.

Note : This trick will only work for pages which are opened recently in chrome browser. Because when ever you open the any webpage, browser will store the page in the local memory(browsers local cache memory)and the size of this local memory is very less(say 2MB to 4MB). so the next time you try to open the same page without internet then browser will bring the page which stored in browsers local cache memory and display. This trick will work for all the devices which are having the chrome browser.

Thanks For Reading!!!! Share the knowledge that you know!!!!!.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Know someones hidden password behind the asterisks ****** ||

Hello Everyone!!! Most of the people want to know, what other people's password but as a person's confidentiality,it cover with asterisk symbol (****). So if you follow the below procedure you can able to read password under asterisks (*****). This is simple, funny and very easy to learn. People who are having web technologies knowledge can easily understand this trick.

Step 1 : Open any browser ( Chrome or Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox etc., )in your computer and go to any log-in page and sign-in. Lets consider Facebook login page. Go to and enter username and password. As you know whatever you type in the password filed, it shows the asterisks (*****) symbols.

Note: Don't press enter after you entered the username and password.

Step 2: Press F12 . A code (debugging)window open on the right side or bottom parts of the browser.

Step 3: Go to Elements/Inspector tab (Here I am using Chrome browser) in debugging window. Then try to search type=”password” using the Ctrl+F (Find) command. Because of this command your password will appears in asterisks (****).

Step 4: Replace the type=”password” with type=”text” and then press Enter. Immediately your password will appear in text format in that field.

Thanks for reading!!! Share the knowledge that you know!!!! Keep reading !!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Find your lost mobile with simple trick | one trick - multiple solutions||Android Trick

Hello Tech Lovers!!!...Now a days people are saving the data in their smart phones itself. this data is really most important. You may save your banking details like credit/debit card details internet banking details and most importantly your saving all your friends,family and other important people contacts on your phone.

What If you last your smartphone somewhere???? Then your entire phone data is gone. and whoever found your phone they may misuse your phone for some other purposes. In order to overcome this  today i am going to share you one of the most useful feature provided by android.

If you lost your mobile then  immediately go to this link ( )(If it is asking you to log in into Gmail account then login into the account which is activated for your mobile.) After logged, it will show you the address where your phone is exactly located.

If the address is not able to locate then click on the enable GPS (on the top right side corner). it will enable GPS on your mobile get the exact location of your mobile. Even if it is not worked then go for below three options to save your data further.

 Ring                                                                   Lock                                                          Erase

Ring: To know the advantage of this feature go to this link

Mobile is in silent mode and forgot somewhere in your home??? Trick to find it easily

Lock: When you click on this lock option. it will lock your mobile by resetting the password.

  • It will ask you to set new password -. So that, the person who found your mobile cannot do anything on your mobile.
  • It will also ask you leave a message. - So that, the person who found your mobile can read your message and may return your mobile to you. this message is optional. 
  • It will ask you to provide phone number: So that, the person who found your mobile can call to this number  and return you mobile.

After clicking on the lock button it will show you message that "you successfully locked your mobile"

See the below example screen after you click on Lock button.

Erase: If you think that your phone wont get back to you, then press the Erase button, then all your phone data will be deleted from your phone.

Note: All this feature will work on your mobile only one data connection/wifi is enabled on your mobile (internet is enabled)on your mobile.

If you have any queries please comment your question in the below comment box.

Thanks for reading!!!! Happy Learning!!!

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Trick to find silent mode mobile easily in your home.|| Simple Android Mobile Trick

Hello Tech lovers . Today i am going to share you. How to find your mobile in your home.  If your kept it you mobile some where in your home and forget and your mobile is in silent. The very next day you need your phone and don't know where kept it. To over come this type of situation i am going to share you one of the useful android trick,

If you lost your mobile then  immediately go to this link ( )(If it is asking you to log in into Gmail account then login into the account which is activated for your mobile.) After logged, it will show you the address where your phone is exactly located.

If the address is not able to locate then click on the enable GPS (on the top right side corner) . it will enable GPS on your mobile get the exact location of your mobile. Even if it is not worked then
follow below simple steps:

1. Click on the one of the option called RING ,which is appearing below the address bar.
2.  After click on the ring option, again it will ask you to click on ring button. Click on ring button again.
3. Immediately silent mode is disabled and your phone will ring with some phone default ringtone.
4. Simply tap the screen to switch off the ringtone.

To know the amazing features of other options ( LOCK and ERASE ) go to the below link

Find your lost mobile with simple trick | one trick - multiple solutions

Note: All this feature will work on your mobile only one data connection/wifi is enabled on your mobile (internet is enabled)on your mobile.

If you have any queries please comment your question in the below comment box.

Thanks for reading!!!! Happy Learning!!!

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