you ever feel bore when you open the system and all your folder
are in same color. Your windows has a single color folder ie.,
yellow. Suppose if you have too many folders in your system and
suppose to open a particular file each time when you open, you need
to go in to your system and have to select a folder and press the
first letter of the folder that you want, sometime you may forget the
folder name. So at this type of situation the below trick useful to
easily identify specific folder in your system.
an application called Folder Colorizer will be useful
to your folder to apply some different color for each folders.
the downloaded application. While installation it may ask you to
uninstall several other pre-installed tools in you system. So first
uninstall the other tools/application from your system. After
installing Folder colorizer application you can reinstall the these
tools/applications again in to your system.
installing colorizer application. Select any folder and right click
on it. Now you can see once open called “Colorize!”. Then
select any color which you want to apply a folder that you selected.
Technically when you open the color folder after applying the
colorizer you will see a file with some color which is newly added
after applying the colorizer.
things to follow
applying color to you all your folders. Now you can uninstall this
application(which is no more useful). But sill your folder will
remain in same color that you applied. This is because of the stored
file while you appending color to folder.
If you want to apply a color to any folder. Go to the colored folder which you are applied earlier and copy the specific hidden encrypted file and paste it into the new folder. Now you will see the new folder also.
for reading!!!!.
the knowledge that you know!!!!